Crispy Tuna Kimchi Fried Rice: An Easy Korean-Japanese Fusion Dish

Crispy Tuna Kimchi Fried Rice: An Easy Korean-Japanese Fusion Dish

Give your dinner a taste of the Far East with this easy-to-make Tuna Kimchi Fried Rice. A delicious fusion blend of Japanese and Korean flavors, this dish is sure to bring some variety to your table in no time!

Make a flavorful sauce

Start making the sauce for your Tuna Kimchi Fried Rice by combining soy sauce, mirin, garlic powder, sesame oil and pepper in a bowl. For an extra kick of flavor, you can add a tablespoon of Korean chili flakes. Whisk all ingredients together until blended, then set aside to marinate for 10-15 minutes before adding to your cooked rice.

Frying the rice with kimchi, tuna and onion.

Once all the marinated ingredients are ready, it’s time to start frying. Begin by heating a tablespoon of oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the cooked kimchi and onions, stirring until caramelized and fragrant. Add the tuna and cook until it’s lightly browned around the edges. Then add your cooked rice, stirring to incorporate all of the ingredients together for about 4 minutes or until the rice is crispy. Finally, pour in your sauce mixture and stir everything together for another 2 minutes until everything is combined and heated through. Enjoy!

Prepare toppings.

Before you begin cooking, prepare the toppings for your Crispy Tuna Kimchi Fried Rice. Sliced cucumber, thinly sliced carrots and toasted sesame seeds are all great additions to bring out the flavor of this dish. Place these ingredients in small bowls or ramekins so they’re ready when it’s time to serve.

Assembly and serve fried rice.

When everything is ready, it’s time to assembly your fried rice! Place the cooked kimchi and tuna in the pan. Then add one beaten egg and stir it in to create an omelet-like effect. Finally, add freshly cooked rice, gyoza sauce and sesame oil for flavor. Heat through briefly with a spatula and then transfer to a serving dish. Sprinkle nicely with toasted sesame seeds, sliced cucumber, carrots and chopped scallions. Enjoy!


Your Crispy Tuna Kimchi Fried Rice is now ready to be enjoyed! Serve your special dish either warm or at room temperature and enjoy with a side of kimchi for an extra kick. Bon appétit!

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